
          Making Loom bands with fifth & Sixth Class

We have been learning all about the post office in Junior Infants. The role play area taught us that the post office offers us lots of services. As well as buying envelopes & stamps and posting letters, we can pay bills, get useful forms for things like passports and currency exchange. 

Junior Infants really enjoyed Pancake Tuesday. Lots of different toppings used. 

We particularly enjoyed marshmallows and nutella! 

Junior Infants have been busy. 

This morning in the junior and senior infant room we had some parents join us. They 

read stories to us. We were talking about predicting. 

We can predict using the title of the story, the illustrations and the text.

                                        Easter Egg hunt.

This week for art we were blow painting with straws. We worked in groups and really enjoyed watching how the paint colours mixed and watching our creations grow! 

This week for art we were blow painting with straws. We worked in groups and really enjoyed watching how the paint colours mixed and watching our creations grow! 

🎵🎵Music is Fun!  Learning to play the ukulele! 🎵🎵

                                                                                                                                   World Book Day. 

We dressed up for World Book Day. We took our favourite book to school and told the class all about the story and our favourite character. 

Teddy Bear Hospital Friday  27th January 2023

Our recent trip to the Teddy Bear Hospital was great fun. 

We had an interesting visit with blood tests, x-rays, casts fitted, eye transplant and many surgeries ! 

Face painting to finish a great day. 

                          Grandparents Day 2023. 

                                                While learning about France the children had an engineering challenge to build the Eiffel Tower! 

                                                                       Pancake Tuesday. Delicious pancakes with lots of toppings. Yummy !