Art & Music

Art & Music


Learning Tin Whistle

D Tin Whistle

Use your 1st (Index), 2nd (Middle) and 3rd (Ring) to cover the holes on the tin whistle.

Use your left hand 1st, 2nd and 3rd on the top 3 holes.

Use your right hand 1st, 2nd and 3rd on the bottom 3 holes.

Make sure you cover each hole fully with your fingers.

Learning Guitar

If you want to start your child playing guitar, practice these 8 chords! Once your child can play these chords, they will be able to play a variety of different songs!

Notice the number/finger that should go on each string!

Learning Piano

Learning Piano



Stop Motion Studio

Get your child interested in film-making.  Let them use all their small world toys as characters in their own productions.  Have a look at this tutorial so you can give them a hand.  This is a creative and interactive way for a child to write a story.