
Literacy Apps:

You Tube 

You Tube contains a variety of material that you may find helpful. in addition to this You Tube have a free app called You Tube Kids that provides children with a more contained environment that makes it safer and more fun for children.

Jolly Phonics sounds and songs

All 42 sounds are available on You Tube. Videos include the sound, the sound song and the action for each sound that your child can practice daily. 

The Learning Station

The Learning Station is a You Tube channel that has a large quantity of videos containing songs and dances that your child may enjoy. 

Many of the songs contain dances moves that will get your children moving as they learn. 

2nd Class - 6th Class

Touch Typing

Typing is a writing skill that is very important in modern day life.  

Typing Club is a free program online.

Touch typing is specifically recommended for children with Dyslexia as it is as important as handwriting.

Nessy Fingers is a program specifically designed for children with Dyslexia.  It requires a yearly subscription but if it helps your child learns to type, they will never forget this skill.